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Discernment, the Central Pillar of IQS's New Strategic Plan

18 May 2022

On Thursday, 12 May, IQS executives took part in training session on Communal Apostolic Discernment. Xavier Casanovas, a member of the Department of Ethics and Christian Thought, was responsible for the leading the session and guiding the group on the finer details of decision-making according to the Ignatian methodology.

On Thursday, 12 May, IQS executives took part in training session on Communal Apostolic Discernment. Xavier Casanovas, a member of the Department of Ethics and Christian Thought, was responsible for the leading the session and guiding the group on the finer details of decision-making according to the Ignatian methodology. IQS is involved in the preparing the institution's Strategic Plan for the upcoming years. Aligned with the Apostolic Plan for the University Sector (APUS) and faithful to the tradition of the more than one hundred years of history at IQS, the school's leadership has sought for Communal Apostolic Discernment to become a central part of the manner in which the strategic priorities at the university are chosen.

The starting point of the session was the practical guide on Communal Apostolic Discernment prepared by the Province of Spain and the EIDES Booklet "Communal Apostolic Discernment. Fundamental Texts." The objective is for a new management culture to be brought into daily decision-making processes, focused on listening to motions and emphasizing not only management and indicators but also how to best respond to the Mission today.

IQS executives will meet in the Cave of Saint Ignatius in Manresa at the end of May to advance the work – applying the Communal Apostolic Discernment methodology – on the Strategic Plan that is expected to culminate by the end of 2022.