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This Year's IQS Workshops for Secondary School Baccalaureate Teachers Have Come to an End

11 May 2022

Within the framework of the IQS Workshops for Secondary School Baccalaureate Teachers, IQS held four sessions aimed at secondary school teachers with the aim of providing them with tools that could be useful in teaching various subjects in the fields of chemistry, biosciences, and technology, as well as contributing to updating knowledge in these areas.

Within the framework of the IQS Workshops for Secondary School Baccalaureate Teachers, IQS held four sessions aimed at secondary school teachers with the aim of providing them with tools that could be useful in teaching various subjects in the fields of chemistry, biosciences, and technology, as well as contributing to updating knowledge in these areas. Just like last year, the sessions could be attended in person at the IQS campus, or virtually through the MS Teams platform.

The workshops began on 28 March with a session dedicated to the field of Chemistry. The lectures given in this session were entitled "A visit to the Catalan chemical industry: where is what we need done?" and "The socialization of colour: from natural dyes to synthetic dyes", given by IQS professors Dr Rosa Nomen and Dr José Ignacio Borrell.

The second session was held on 6 April and focused on the fields of Technology and Physics. The session began with the conference "Virtual laboratories in product development engineering: from highly technological product design to biomechanics", led by Dr Josep M. Puigoriol. Next, Dr Joaquín Menacho led a lecture and workshop entitled "Strategies for teaching physics".

The third session was held on 20 April and focused on the fields of Biosciences and Pharmacy. Dr Magda Faijes gave the lecture “Healthy foods: what are they?”, alongside the lecture “Industrial biotechnology (white): how can we do it to produce large quantities of bioproducts through well-trained cells?”, given by Dr Marc Carnicer.

These three sessions ended with the workshops taught by Dr Jordi Cuadros, "Small contexts for teaching: chemistry, physics, and biosciences in secondary school", each of which focused on the fields of chemistry, technology, and biosciences.
This year's workshops also included a session dedicated to supporting secondary school baccalaureate teachers in their work as Research Work tutors. The last session was held on 9 May and consisted of two lectures and a hands-on workshop. First, professor Núria Llaverias gave the lecture "Including SDGs and sustainability in Research Work". Next, Dr Flavio Comim gave the lecture "Research with public social data". The hands-on part of the session was conducted by Dr Jordi Cuadros, who led the workshop "How to make good graphics on Google Sheets".

The teachers who participated in the different sessions came from both public and semi-private secondary schools throughout Catalonia. In concrete, teachers from the following schools in Barcelona attended: Amor de Dios, Betania-Patmos, CIC, Granés, IES Front Marítim, IES Miquel Tarradell, Jesuïtes Gràcia, Jesús María, López Vicuña, Padre Damián, Pálcam, Padre Manyanet, Pérez Iborra, Pía Sant Antoni, Pía Sarrià, Sant Gervasi Cooperativa, Súnion, Salesians Sarrià, Salesians Horta, Sant Marc, Santa Teresa de Lisieux, Santíssima Trinitat, and St Peter's School; and teachers from the following schools throughout Catalonia and Andorra attended: Escuela Andorrana de Bachillerato, Bell-lloch del Pla (Girona), Jesuïtes Bellvitge (L'Hospitalet de Llobregat), Sagrat Cor- El Vendrell, Sant Pau Apòstol (Sant Adrià del Besós), Diocessana de Navás, Goar (Viladecans), IES Sta. Eulàlia de Ronçana, Immaculada Concepció Gavá, IES Agustí Serra i Fontanet (Sabadell), IES de Lliçà, IES Flix, IES Forat del Vent (Cerdanyola del Vallés), IES Josep Mestres i Busquets (Viladecans), IES Estatut (Rubí), IES Mediterrània (Castelldefels), IES Vilafant, IES Can Planas (Barberá del Vallés), IES Guillem de Berguedà (Berga), IES Josefina Castellví (Viladecans), Jesuitas Lleida, Les Alzines (Girona), and Viaró (Sant Cugat).