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IQS Participates in the MAG+S Project within the Framework of the Culture of Vocation

17 May 2022

MAG+S visited IQS to hold various joint working sessions along with ESADE to enhance support and networking.

On 26 April 26, MAG+S visited IQS to hold various joint working sessions along with ESADE to enhance support and networking. There was also a joint meeting between the Culture of Vocation teams at both schools with the MAG+S team to analyse opportunities, strengths, and needs associated with the project that must be addressed.  

In addition, the General Directors and the Heads of Identity and Mission at both schools highlighted their commitment to the University Sector Apostolic Project 2021-2025 (PASU) in which the Culture of Vocation is highlighted as inherent to university activity. Some keys were pointed out to continue delving deeper with regards to each school and also in terms of collaboration in order to strengthen existing synergies.

During this academic year, Mag+S has visited UNIJES schools and universities as part of the Culture of Vocation project. 

The MAG+s experiences are aimed at young people and inspired by Ignatian spirituality and a willingness to grow and give of oneself. Three interrelated dynamics are addressed: “Going Out into the World”, an invitation to leave my “comfort zone” to encounter a new reality and see my surroundings in a different way; “Following Jesus”, taking a step forward in my relationship with God and the possibility of sharing my faith in the community; and “Serving Others”, giving my time and talents to the service of others, especially children, as Jesus would do.

All MAG+S experiences share the same spirit and work together through the MAG+S Pastoral Office and are open to participants from anywhere in Spain.